Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Apple MacBook Air Laptop Keyboard Repairs

An Apple MacBook Air laptop was booked in with keyboard problem.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs
Owner of the laptop spilled water onto the keyboard of the Mac, since then the keyboard didn’t work properly. Random letters came up when typing. The laptop booted up straight into Safe Boot as if Shift key was engaged.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

On this Apple MacBook Air, its keyboard unit is integrated into its aluminium casing. The keyboard is connected to touchpad unit, and touchpad unit is, via a ribbon cable, connected to logic board. Thus the problem may lie within any of these units. Replacing the keyboard unit does NOT guarantee to fix the problem. We have come across a different job (same Apple MacBook Air that had water spilt on) that had the same problem but due to both damaged keyboard and touchpad (demonstrated in another post).
The Repairs:
Using available spare parts and a number of tests, we have determined that the laptop keyboard needs to be replaced.
Let’s first have a look at its bottom cover.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Battery need to be disconnected to stop power going in to the laptop, so let’s take the battery out from the laptop.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

There we’ll see logic board, fan and other parts. All these parts need to be removed before keyboard can be taken out.
Take extra precaution here because these electronic parts are sensitive, any “minor” accidental damages can cause great damages to the computer.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Once fan, logic board, wireless adaptor etc are removed from the laptop, we should have the below (speakers not yet removed).
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs
Now let’s take out a same keyboard (integrated in aluminum case).
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

Different MacBook Air has different keyboard, make sure the part is compatible otherwise it will not fit and will not work.
Now we need to remove the keyboard and bottom casing from the laptop’s display panel. The job is simpler from here. Let’s put in the new keyboard, connect it to the display panel, reassemble the laptop and test it out.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

The laptop starts up fine, open TextEdit and check every key.
Apple MacBook Air Keyboard Repairs

All the keys are now working as they should. Another Apple MacBook Air laptop fixed successfully.
Looking for Apple Mac Repairs?
Does your Apple Mac have the same problem? Check our Apple Mac Repair services and Contact us now for a Free Quote. Pickup and Delivery is available for your convenience.

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